
Barley Flour

Barley Flour

Pearled barley flour comes in simple packaging and can make a great alternative or addition to recip..

PBFLO Pre-Order

Barley Grain, Pearled

Barley Grain, Pearled

Pearled barley grain comes in simple packaging and will retain the vital nutrients when stored well...

PBGRA In Stock

Dinkel (Spelt) Whole Grain

Dinkel (Spelt) Whole Grain

Dinkel or Spelt grain as it is more commonly known by, comes in simple packaging and will retain t..

DWGRA In Stock

Dinkel (Spelt) Wholemeal Flour

Dinkel (Spelt) Wholemeal Flour

Dinkel or Spelt wholemeal flour as it is more commonly known by, comes in simple packaging and ma..

DFLOU In Stock

Oat Groats

Oat Groats

Oat Groats are a fibre-rich portion of the hulled oat grain. They are a good source of protein and..

OGROA In Stock

Quinoa Grain 900g

Quinoa Grain 900g

Organic quinoa is a gluten-free pseudo grain and packed with nutrients like protein, zinc, fiber, an..

UDLS34 In Stock

Rye Wholemeal Flour

Rye Wholemeal Flour

Rye wholemeal flour comes in simple packaging and Zentrofan milling ensures a finely milled flour ..

RFLOU Pre-Order

Wheat White Flour

Wheat White Flour

This white wheat flour comes in simple packaging and is one of the oldest—and nowadays most importan..

WWFLO2 Pre-Order

Wheat Whole Grain

Wheat Whole Grain

This whole wheat grain comes in simple packaging and will retain the vital nutrients when stored wel..

WWGRA In Stock

Wheat Wholemeal Flour

Wheat Wholemeal Flour

Wholemeal wheat flour comes in simple packaging and is one of the oldest—and nowadays most important..

WWFLO In Stock

Showing 1 to 10 of 10 (1 Pages)