Nature, Science & Archaeology

Nature, Science & Archaeology

A Search for Meaning in Nature

A Search for Meaning in Nature

A new look at creation and evolution. It is time to reexamine certain areas of science bearing on th..

USED10426 In Stock

A Search for Meaning in Nature

A Search for Meaning in Nature

A new look at creation and evolution. It is time to reexamine certain areas of science bearing on th..

USED7396 In Stock

Birds That Can't Fly

Birds That Can't Fly

Slight marks on the cover...

USED10410 In Stock

Birds That Can't Fly

Birds That Can't Fly

Discusses the natural habitats, physiology, habits, and behavior of non-flying birds, such as ostric..

USED10589 In Stock

Built to Last

Built to Last

Creation and Evolution: A thoughtful look at the evidence that the Master Designer created our plane..

USED9475 In Stock

Built to Last

Built to Last

Creation and Evolution: A thoughtful look at the evidence that the Master Designer created our plane..

USED10107 In Stock

Buried Evidence

Buried Evidence

George's book which shows the evidence of the validity of the Bible through the findings in Bible la..

USED9908 In Stock

Collins handguide to the native trees of New Zealand

Collins handguide to the native trees of New Zealand

Compact and colourful handbook provides the reader with all the data to identify 80 of the native tr..

USED10529 In Stock

Creation and Time

Creation and Time

A Biblical and scientific perspective on the creation-date controversy...

USED8605 In Stock

Creation Illustrated

Creation Illustrated

Summer Edition 1995. You pay postage if needed...

USED10581 In Stock

Crusader for Creation

Crusader for Creation

Crusader for Creation is about the life and writings of George McCready Price, a Seventh-day Adventi..

USED10137 In Stock

Evolution or Special Creation

Evolution or Special Creation

The author points out that an examination of nature, without outside information, can never reveal j..

USED5929 In Stock

Evolution or Special Creation

Evolution or Special Creation

The author points out that an examination of nature, without outside information, can never reveal j..

USED9350 In Stock

Evolution Shattered

Evolution Shattered

Proving the existence and power of the Living God...

USED10388 In Stock

Evolution, Creation, and Science

Evolution, Creation, and Science

Marsh argues for the scientific accuracy of the Bible and concludes: "surely the time is ripe for a ..

USED10493 In Stock

Genesis and Science

Genesis and Science

124 pages of information comparing the genesis record with science. Interesting reading. Author of F..

USED6911 In Stock

Genesis and Science

Genesis and Science

124 pages of information comparing the genesis record with science. Interesting reading. Author of F..

USED6866 In Stock

Genesis and the Decay of the Nations

Genesis and the Decay of the Nations

This book combines Biblical principles and scientific truth in his own inimitable, down-to-earth sty..

USED8749 In Stock

Showing 1 to 18 of 34 (2 Pages)