This MP3 audio book offers an incredibly high-quality listening experience. You will enjoy hearing The Testimonies come to life as you've never heard them before!
This comes on a special 16 Gigabyte USB Flash Drive for convenience and portability, while maintaining the same high audio quality of the MP3 CD version.
- Includes All 9 Volumes
- Narrated by a World-class Professional Voice
- Soul-stirring Orchestration
- Well-known Cast of Voices
- Compatible with PC computers, Mac, iPods and other MP3 Players
Cast Includes:
CD Brooks - God
Lonnie Melashenko - Angel/Messenger
Doug Batchelor - Apostle John
Shawn Boonstra - David
Fred Knopper - Satan
Dwight Hall - Caleb/Joshua
Nathan Renner - Nathan/Nathaniel/Brother R.
Ivor Myers - Malachi/Dathan/Abiram
Steve Wohlberg - Elder Haskell/Lot/Micah
Stephen Bohr - Elder Bates/Daniel
Jim Ayer - Hananiah/Hosea
David Gates - James/Pharoah
Richard O'Ffill - John the Revelator/Jeremiah/King Solomon
Christian Berdahl - John the Baptist
Kenneth Cox - Apostle Peter
Brenda Walsh - Sister/Sister F/Sister H/Sister K
Gary Gibbs - James White
Jim Gilley - Jacob/Nicodemus
Shelley Quinn - Lady/Mother of Israel/Mother
Mollie Steenson - Sister B/Sister Chase
Plus others!
"The Testimonies should be introduced into every Sabbathkeeping family, and the brethren should know their value and be urged to read them. It was not the wisest plan to place these books at a low figure and have only one set in a church. They should be in the library of every family and be read again and again. Let them be kept where they can be read by many." CCh 94, Ellen White
Testimonies for the Church Flash Drive
- Producer: Remnant Publications
- Condition: New
- Type: Audio
- ISBN: 9781933291505
- Product Code: FDTFC
- Availability: 2 132.00g
- NZ$220.00
- Ex Tax: NZ$172.17