

A Summer To Remember

A Summer To Remember

Mary Lynn enjoys hearing her grandmother's stories about the past and sharing her thoughts on Christ..

USED10508 In Stock

Africa's "Floating Logs"

Africa's "Floating Logs"

While no longer the "dark continent", Africa still holds intrigue for the adventurous. Wild animals,..

USED10509 In Stock

Bedtime Stories, Series B vol 5

Bedtime Stories, Series B vol 5

Popular bedtime story book. Small volume with 20 stories...

USED10090 In Stock

Bible ABCs

Bible ABCs

A story for every letter of the alphabet. Well illustrated. Short stories with large print ideal for..

USED10369 In Stock

Big Animals of Long Ago: The Dinosaurs

Big Animals of Long Ago: The Dinosaurs

A book about dinosaurs and how they have found proof of so many different kinds...

USED10055 In Stock

Bright Eyes

Bright Eyes

The story of a wild duckling. Pen marks on some pages. Cover well worn and coming adrift...

USED10403 In Stock

Cradle Roll Lessons

Cradle Roll Lessons

13 Sabbath School Lessons for children from birth to 3 years of age. Goes through the progression of..

USED10432 In Stock

Games for Church Groups (Junior)

Games for Church Groups (Junior)

Contains 44 exciting games to teach children Bible facts, verses, and concepts...

USED10449 In Stock

Happy Sabbaths

Happy Sabbaths

To help children to become familiar with the Bible, to encourage them to search its pages eagerly an..

USED10402 In Stock

I can Read it Myself Bible Stories-Stories from the Old Testament

I can Read it Myself Bible Stories-Stories from the Old Testament

This book, based entirely on the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy writings, is planned for the young rea..

USED10056 In Stock

Jesus at the Passover

Jesus at the Passover

Booklet with page by page illustrations and text portraying the story of Jesus at the Passover...

USED10057 In Stock

Jesus Goes Away

Jesus Goes Away

Booklet with page by page illustrations and text portraying the story of Jesus after His resurrectio..

USED10058 In Stock

Jesus Stills the Storm

Jesus Stills the Storm

Booklet with page by page illustrations and text portraying the story of Jesus calming the storm...

USED10059 In Stock

Keys to Happiness Kids Favourites

Keys to Happiness Kids Favourites

Including 6 great character building cartoon stories as well as activities such as colouring in, wor..


Kindergarten Sabbath School Lessons

Kindergarten Sabbath School Lessons

Year 2 Quarter 2 from the older series. Goes through classic Bible stories such as Jonah and the fis..

USED10442 In Stock

Kindergarten Sabbath School Lessons

Kindergarten Sabbath School Lessons

Year 3 Sabbath school for Kindergarten aged children. Includes studies, activities and stories base..

USED10443 In Stock

Life's Amazing Miracles

Life's Amazing Miracles

This book is dedicated to all children who love to sit outside among nature and delight in the handi..

USED10661 In Stock

Manual For Parents And Teachers Of The Weekday Kindergarten

Manual For Parents And Teachers Of The Weekday Kindergarten

A book of guidance, advice and counsel for parents and teachers of children in kindergarten. Many wo..

USED10544 In Stock

Showing 1 to 18 of 47 (3 Pages)