Lifestyle Works

Issue 32 - December 2011
Where has the year gone? Well, where has yet another year gone?? It's festive season again, time for families to get together and enjoy reminiscing over the past year round the family table, or out enjoying the hot nor'wester by the barby!!! Well, main thing is that we come through the festive season to a prosperous new year!! Too many have a big pre-Christmas, or Christmas dinner and keel over from an overloaded heart  and finish up in coronary care for their new year - not very prosperous. This edition of healthbites, we have a few tips to help keep the 'ticker' ticking. Read more

Issue 31 - October 2011
As Spring approaches and the weather warms and the days lengthen, many start to think of exercising more aspects of the NEWSTART lifestyle. More fresh foods for Nutrition, it is easier to Exercise more and we should increase our Water as the body has more demand from warmer temperatures and spending time in the Sunshine. While these must be taken with Temperance, we can throw open our windows and enjoy fresh Air indoors and out and especially while we Rest. And our Trust in Divine power should increase every day as stresses increase too. In this edition of healthbites we will take an intense look at ADHD and some ideas for prevention and some basic points to help. Also some littlebites and a recipe. Read more

Issue 30 - August 2011
In this edition of healthbites we take a brief look at a huge topic — the family. We all know that our happiness is connected with the state of the family unit we live with, but some recent findings show links between the well being of the family unit and the health of its members as well as other benefits. We also have some interesting information on comfrey, a sometimes debated plant that has valuable properties but comes with some cautions. The recipe in this edition is unique and tasty! You will also find some fascinating littlebites in the side column as well. Read more

Issue 29 - June 2011
Here we are in June already and I wouldn't be the only one who is wondering where the first half of the year has gone. While June supposedly starts the official winter months off, we can't really say we are in the midst of the cold of winter as yet. So far it has been mild, but often our real winter cold comes after the shortest day. Winter is a great time to enjoy the warmth of your home and sit down to a hot meal and feel the comforts of warmth on the inside as well as the out. With that hot meal, it needs to be nutritious and beneficial. The recipe includes the brain nut, walnuts and the valuable herb sage. Enjoy the two articles and make sure you nibble on the littlebites as well. Read more

Issue 28 - April 2011
We have centred our interests more on Cantabrians for this edition of healthbites. The series of earthquakes has been pretty nerve-racking to many, even to some of the hale & hearty. The repercussions of these last six months are enormous and will be for quite some time. These times will be stressful for many people, and now that time has elapsed since the quakes, and the devastation becomes more of a reality to each person, stress will be setting in a very real way for some, even signs of depression. But what are the solutions? Is there some tips that may be of help? We are not going to be able to do full justice in this short script, but here are some points that will help. Read more

Issue 27 - February 2011
Summer is surely with us and by now many will be back at work starting off the year's routine again. But don't forget some basic principles to make every day easier through this new year. This healthbites focuses on women a little more, but every woman can take this into the home and encourage their family. Read more