Two Years On!

Believe it or not, we have been facing this world pandemic for almost two years. It is a second birthday that the world is perhaps enduring, but not really celebrating! The news about Wuhan seems to be long forgotten, and various variants have taken its place and the Delta strain is the one reigning supreme at present, raging through the world. And already there are whispers of new variants on the horizon and others may well continue to appear.

Two Years On!

Believe it or not, we have been facing this world pandemic for almost two years. It is a second birthday that the world is perhaps enduring, but not really celebrating! The news about Wuhan seems to be long forgotten, and various variants have taken its place and the Delta strain is the one reigning supreme at present, raging through the world. And already there are whispers of new variants on the horizon and others may well continue to appear.

In  October/November 2019 the news hit the media of the existence of the virus, then in March/April 2020 the initial alarms escalated and grew to severe level 4 lock-downs here at least here in New Zealand. It has changed our world, our nations, our communities, even our homes significantly – mostly not for the better. It has accelerated at such a rapid pace.

 According to mainstream media, the pandemic has not slackened its grip on our society and each new variety seems to be only more vibrant and destructive. With these new waves of biological destruction coming at us, the governments of the world are more and more determined to take control.

So how is the world to curtail the rapid spread? Mainstream media tell us the only possible way for any progress to bring the world back to any semblance of normality is to vaccinate every one. Every day we are bombarded over radio and television and any other mainstream media outlet with constant repetition: vaccinate, vaccinate, vaccinate. There is just no other way, or even a hint of any other way.

So now, two years on, it is interesting to see progress in the world. Some governments are removing all restrictions, while others governments are pretty determined to encourage the population to vaccinate. Australia seems like it is relaxing their borders to allow international travel. New Zealand is currently striving for 90+ percent vaccination rate with no let up on international borders as yet and for quarantine measures in place for arrivals. Of course, there is talk of different rules and privileges for vaccinated and continuing restrictions for the un-vaccinated.

While we have mentioned Australia, governments further afield are making decisions as well.

In a Guardian news release on September 2, 2021, headlines announce, “Italy could soon make Covid-19 vaccines mandatory says prime minister.”

In the USA, “In his most forceful pandemic actions and words, President Joe Biden... ordered sweeping new federal vaccine requirements for as many as 100 million Americans... in an all-out effort to curb the surging COVID-19 Delta variant. Speaking at the White House, Biden sharply criticized the tens of millions of Americans who are not yet vaccinated, despite months of availability and incentives. “We’ve been patient. But our patience is wearing thin, and your refusal has cost all of us,” he said. —Zeke Miller, September 10, 2021

On the other hand - and to the opposite extreme, “Norway has ditched all its Covid-19 measures, even social distancing, in a radical move that as yet has unclear consequences.

“On Friday, the Nordic nation's government announced that it was time to "live as normal" with Covid-19 after 561 days of enduring some kind of restriction, whether that be venue capacity limits or stay-at-home orders.

“Now, Norwegians can attend restaurants, night clubs, sporting events and anything else at full capacity, with social distancing thrown out the window.

“‘It is 561 days since we introduced the toughest measures in Norway in peacetime … Now the time has come to return to a normal daily life,’ Prime Minister Erna Solberg told reporters.”
“Norway is the second Scandinavian country to end the restrictions, following in the footsteps of Denmark who waved goodbye to lockdowns on September 10.” — Alex Turner-Cohen, NZ Herald, Sept 26, 2021

These examples are only a few of what is happening on a world-wide scale. Sadly, from no virus threat at all two years ago, to now with the plethora of national responses, it has left many people confused, anxious and uncertain of what is coming upon our world, even upon them personally. As people are living in this atmosphere of fear, it is resulting in division and separation, within nations, communities and families.

So what does this mean to us personally and collectively?  Will vaccination alleviate any struggles and deprivations ahead of us? Who knows? It is one thing to make public policy and put facilities in place, but concern is raised when a government moves to coercion and when that doesn’t work, use bribery, then perhaps mandates.

God’s government has principles that always work on freedom of choice, not coercion, bribery or mandates. “Compelling power is found only under Satan’s government. The Lord’s principles are not of this order.” — Desire of Ages, p.759. While we have the freedom to choose, we may not have freedom of the consequences. So when we make our decisions, research the subject well and make intelligent choices, because be sure, there will be consequences to our choices.

If anyone makes the choice to accept the injection, that is to be respected. That being said, those who are choosing not to accept it also should be respected. Those who have accepted have their valid reasons. Those not receiving have done extensive research and also have very valid reasons for not accepting it. We don’t fully understand the situation that each person has in their family settings, in their places of employment. Each person, each family may well be going through their struggles, perhaps peer pressures, loss of employment and severe needs. We can at least show some dignified, human respect to them and offer what we can to our fellow human being.

Whatever the choices made, I would plead with everyone, do your own research and  make an informed decision.  Think it through well. Once the vaccine has been accepted, it is impossible to get it out again. In the current pandemic, we see those primarily with underlying health issues have suffered the most. Unfortunately the upbuilding of our personal health has not been emphasised enough to prepare for an invasion to our body functions, now is a time, above many others, to apply and reinforce the health principles which help to build, strengthen and heal our bodies. This is part of the message to  glorify ‘God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.’ — 1 Corinthians 6:20

Adding emphasis to this is the concern that we are less and less likely to be able to depend on public health-care, whether being overrun by the pandemic or the reduction of health care workers due to the large number who may loose employment because of vaccine hesitancy.

The Village SDA Church in Michigan, USA, hosted an excellent weekend symposium recently sharing valuable information on the medical and legal aspects of the vaccine. I recommend this series of videos for further consideration. You will find them on You Tube at

For over 170 years, we have preached of the end days, now we see it, not a prophecy any more, it is here in reality. But as the prophetic events unfold before us, times will come when ultimately, each person will need to make difficult choices. We know that governments will step outside their bounds to enforce more serious spiritual issues, fortunately inspiration offers support.

In the book of Daniel we see in Daniel 1, Daniel and his friends faced a personal health issue they had to work though. In Daniel 3 we see Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego faced a public issue of allegiance. Later in Daniel 6, Daniel himself, faced a personal issue of worship which resulted in serious consequences — but in all situations, reliance on God resulted in all receiving glory - and reflecting God’s glory.

The current COVID virus itself can affect one’s health, but the solutions may also have serious health consequences. But even in the face of these fears, God is our sure and steady guide. One text that comes to mind is Matthew 10:28: “Fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” —Matthew 10:28

But more encouraging than this are the very next verses: “Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.” —Matthew 10:29-31

If we can understand that God has tender care for little sparrows, He will in no way turn from us when times get difficult. We can build our faith and confidence for when greater challenges and great decisions loom before us. When the end time events continue to play out, we can like Daniel, grow stronger and stronger in our reliance.

We are counselled to render to the governing powers of our land due submission and obedience, but when they start to rule over our conscience and coerce us to break God’s clear commands, then we serve God alone. Jesus has left an example for us to follow;

“The government under which Jesus lived was corrupt and oppressive; on every hand were crying abuses — extortion, intolerance, and grinding cruelty. Yet the Saviour attempted no civil reforms. He attacked no national abuses, nor condemned the national enemies. He did not interfere with the authority or administration of those in power. He who was our example kept aloof from earthly governments. Not because He was indifferent to the woes of men, but because the remedy did not lie in merely human and external measures. To be efficient, the cure must reach men individually, and must regenerate the heart.” —Desire of Ages, p.509

“What has been the course of God's servants in ages past? When the disciples preached Christ and Him crucified, after His resurrection, the authorities commanded them not to speak any more nor to teach in the name of Jesus. “‘But Peter and John answered and said unto them, Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye. For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.’ They continued to preach the good news of salvation through Christ, and the power of God witnessed to the message.” — Testimonies for the Church, vol.5, p.711-713

“We are living in the time of the end. The fast-fulfilling signs of the times declare that the coming of Christ is near at hand. The days in which we live are solemn and important. The Spirit of God is gradually but surely being withdrawn from the earth. Plagues and judgments are already falling upon the despisers of the grace of God. The calamities by land and sea, the unsettled state of society, the alarms of war, are portentous. They forecast approaching events of the greatest magnitude.

“The agencies of evil are combining their forces, and consolidating. They are strengthening for the last great crisis. Great changes are soon to take place in our world, and the final movements will be rapid ones.

”The conditions of things in the world shows that troublous times are right upon us. The daily papers are full of indications of a terrible conflict in the near future...

“I am instructed that when Lord’s time comes, should no change have taken place in the hearts of proud, ambitious human beings, men will find that the hand that been strong to save will be strong to destroy. No earthly power can stay the hand of God...

“Those who hold the reins of government are not able to solve the problem of moral corruption, poverty, pauperism and increasing crime. They are struggling in vain to place business operations on a more secure basis. If men would give more heed to the teaching of God’s word, they would find a solution of the problems that perplex them.”  —Testimonies, vol. 9, p. 11,13  

    “ The time is at hand when there will be sorrow in the world that no human balm can heal. The Spirit of God is being withdrawn. Disasters by sea and by land follow one another in quick succession. How frequently we hear of earthquakes and tornadoes, of destruction by fire and flood, with great loss of life and property! Apparently these calamities are capricious outbreaks of disorganized, unregulated forces of nature, wholly beyond the control of man; but in them all, God's purpose may be read. They are among the agencies by which He seeks to arouse men and women to a sense of their danger.” —Prophets and Kings, p. 277

But in all this, know for sure that our God will never leave us or forsake us - if we are honest of heart and living up to all the light we have, just look at this line up of promises;

“There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life: as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.” —Joshua 1:5

“All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.” —John 6:37

“I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to  you.” —John 14:18

“Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he saith, I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.” —Hebrews 13:5

It is becoming obvious now that we are racing head-long to the end of this world’s history. What we are seeing in this present climate is only a foretaste of what is coming. We are only running with the footmen at present, but the time is very close that we will have to run with the horses. We can’t run as fast as horses, that is where we need the strength of a mighty divine hand to propel us forward. We are going to need each other’s prayers, support and encouragement. Yes, we are to warn and offer help, but not at the condemning or crushing of a soul. Be careful, souls are at stake here.

Conviction must over-rule preference from here on in. Preference is with the message in the mind, conviction is with the message in the heart!

Hold on friend, hold on. Christ is our only hope through all this. “For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” —Romans 8:38-39


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