North Island Summer Camp

Programme NI 2025 Updated.jpg

January 14-19, 2025
Lakeview Bible Camp, 359 Hamurana Road, Rotorua

We are looking forward to having you join us for Summer Camps in January 2025
to receive a rich spiritual blessings and encourage one another in Christian faith.

The North Island camp this coming summer will be at our usual location and in a similar format. We look forward to spending time with all who can attend!


Conrad Vine.jpg Conrad Vine: Pastor Conrad Vine is vice chair of Adventist Frontier Missions Society. Previously, Pastor Vine served in the pastoral ministry in the UK and Minnesota (USA), as a church administrator in the Middle East Union, and for many years with ADRA in central Asia and other regions worldwide.
Andreas Mellas.jpg Andreas Mellas: Born in Montreal, Quebec, Andreas is of Greek origin speaking Greek and French and English languages fluently. With his wife Elida they partner to minister to people everywhere. His passion is to exhort people walk humbly, justly and uprightly before God.
Paul Klix.jpg Paul Klix:  Serving in lay ministy for many years, Paul has been speaking in video as well as media ministries. Speaks on preparing for the end times, family and country living. Married to Pearl Klix, they have 5 beautiful children.

During the summer-time Autumn Leaves run camp meetings in New Zealand. The purpose of these camps is to encourage and uplift spiritually, all those in attendance. Speakers come from overseas to share their experiences and study. Also there are often attendees who have been on mission service in other countries who share their work and experiences.

The camp grounds are in secluded country locations and are enjoyed for their peacefulness providing an atmosphere for contemplating not only the truths in God’s Word but also the wonders of nature. 

We will have a variety of programs that you attend as well as full programs for children, and youth.

• Morning worships
• Sermons
• Studies
• Health talks
• Musical items
• Sabbath in and Sabbath out
• Sabbath afternoon concert and mission reports
• Tasty Meals
• Lots of fellowship
• Full program for toddlers, children & youth

• And more...

South Island Convention
24-26 January 2025

Ouruhia Hall, 225 Guthries Road, Belfast, Christchurch

From Thursday evening through to Sunday morning, we have planned and confirmed a full South Island convention the weekend after the North island camp. Please note, there are no facilities for accommodation at this venue.

Four meals will be available upon request.


Important Information

For the camp to be most enjoyable and beneficial, you will want to be both physically and spiritually prepared for this spiritual feast. It is important that each of you come for spiritual encouragement and advancement. It is not a holiday.

We are aiming to reduce the workload at camps by having camp fees prepaid. Please see the application pages for details.


The purpose of this camp is to prepare us to meet Jesus face to face and your conduct and dress should reflect this. How we act and dress does influence those about us. Make sure each member of the family attends to these details diligently. Each adult bringing children or youth is responsible to make sure the young ones understand these principles.

Our behaviour should be as in the presence of Christ both during and between meetings. You can begin by addressing this in your heart before attending camp.