It is well understood that the Great Disappointment of the Advent believers arose from the fact that they believed the cleansing of the sanctuary to be the burning of the earth, or some cataclysmic event to transpire at the second advent of the Lord Jesus. As it could be clearly established that the 2300 days would terminate in the autumn of 1844, they looked with the full assurance of faith and hope for the glorious appearing of the Son of God at that time. Painful and grievous was the disappointment; and while the heart of the trusting was bowed with sorrow, many now openly denied the hand of God in the Advent movement, and made utter shipwreck of their faith.
J. N. Andrews wrote this little book in 1853, less than a decade after the Great Disappointment. In the intervening years, a great deal of prayer, study, and careful examination of the facts and the prophecies of Daniel had revealed the error in interpreting one significant detail of Daniel's 2300 day time prophecy, which had caused such pain and disappointment. In this book, the author carefully set out to review the facts and the Scriptures, and to clearly show the cause of the Disappointment, and more importantly, the significance of the Sanctuary Message. This message of hope found in the Heavenly Sanctuary is as relevant and essential today as it was over 150 years ago.
When many today may minimize the importance of the Sanctuary and Christ's work there on our behalf, the words of one of our dedicated pioneers reinforce the truth of its vital importance.
Paper, 96 pages.
The Sanctuary and 2300 Days
- Producer: TEACH Services, Inc.
- Author: J N Andrews
- Condition: New
- Type: Paperback
- ISBN: 9780945383840
- Product Code: S2300
- Availability: Out Of Stock 142.00g
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- Ex Tax: NZ$25.65