If some self-proclaimed prophet suddenly arose and began drawing crowds with stirring messages, healing the sick, raising the dead, bringing fire from heaven, and revealing knowledge of your personal secrets would you believe in him or her? Should you believe? Your ultimate destiny just might be tied directly to your ability to distinguish between true and false prophets. So it's very important to know what the Bible really says about this timely subject!
- Does the Bible teach that there will be true prophets in the last days of Earth?
- Jesus at His ascension placed the gift of "prophets" in His church, along with four other gifts: apostles, evangelists, pastors, and teachers (Ephesians 4:7-11). Why did God place these gifts in the church?
- In Bible days, was the gift of prophecy limited to men?
- How long were these gifts to remain in His church?
- From what source do true prophets obtain their information?
- God speaks to prophets in three different ways. What are these ways?
- What are the physical evidences of a true prophet in vision?
- Is the working of great miracles proof that a prophet is of God?
- Of what perilous end-time danger does Jesus warn us?
- How can I determine whether a prophet is true or false?
- Are certain types of false prophets specifically named and condemned in the Bible?
- Is a true prophet's work primarily to serve the church or to serve unbelievers?
- Does God's end-time church have the gift of prophecy?
- When you join God's end-time church, which has all of the gifts, how will it affect you?
- The apostle Paul, in 1 Corinthians 12:1-18, likens the gifts that Jesus gave the church to parts of the body. What part of the body best represents the gift of prophecy?
- Since prophecy is the eyes of the church, a church without the gift of prophecy would be in what condition?
- Must God's remnant church have all the gifts that Christ gave?
- Revelation 12:17 points out that God's end-time remnant church will "have the testimony of Jesus Christ." Revelation 19:10 says that "the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy." Can we be sure this means that the church will have a prophet?
- Of what other special significance are the words "the testimony of Jesus"?
- What are the Bible qualifications for a true prophet?
- Did God send a prophet to His end-time remnant church?
- Did Ellen White have visions?
- Are Ellen White's words intended to be part of the Bible, or an addition to the Bible?
- Does Ellen White speak in harmony with the Scriptures?
- How can I accept Ellen White as a true prophet, since I do not know what she wrote?
- What three-point command does Paul give us regarding a prophet?
- How does Jesus regard the rejection of the words and counsel of a true prophet?
- Do true end-time prophets originate new doctrine, or does doctrine come strictly from the Bible?
Does God Inspire Astrologists & Psychics
- Producer: Amazing Facts
- Author: Bill May
- Condition: New
- Type: Pamphlet
- Product Code: AFS24
- Availability: 59 22.00g
- Ex Tax: NZ$1.30
- 20 or more NZ$1.10
- 50 or more NZ$1.00
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Tags: scripture, study guide,