Lifestyle Works

Trust in Divine Power

Now that you have all these doctors looking after your health you don’t need to worry about as many things and this is exactly what Dr Trust is all about.

The Great Physician helps take away your stress and this is a real boon to your physical, mental and spiritual health!

You can have a top-notch diet and a good balanced active lifestyle but if you have other personal issues in your life you can be really worse off. And this mental ‘baggage’ can’t just be dropped off at the airport and never picked up again!

We all have weaknesses that often end up in us failing so many times, and trying to get back on track. Sometimes you might find yourself right back to where you need a NEW START all over again. When you recognise these weaknesses you will realize that you need something or someone to lean on to give strength through your problems and to help overcome the failures.

That’s where Divine power comes in. God offers to take your baggage and guilt from the past and help you in the future. Many people have found a NEW START, physically, mentally and spiritually when they have sought divine aid. 

It makes sense really, because if God created us and our environment—which includes all the 8 natural doctors—then He’s going to know what we need for best health and wellbeing and He’s interested in every individual’s personal health.

That’s why even in the Scriptures it talks about health as well as release from guilt and gives hope for the future. A well known passage says. “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth”—3 John 2. 

Its interesting too, that the health principles in the Bible are now being discovered by medical doctors and modern science to be some of the simplest and most relevant for humans today.

Trust in God to reduce your stress and worry for a healthier and more peaceful life starting from right now.