• Counsels on Stewardship

**Please note: - These books are brand new but are seconds. One has a cracked spine and loose pages, while others are bound well, they are likely to crack while reading.** - Thus the discounted price!

The minister delivered a powerful sermon about the guiding principles on Christian stewardship. When the appeal time came, he said to his congregation:
"I have two pieces of news. The first is good, but the other is bad."
The audience, evidently moved, pricked up their ears. "The good news" continued the minister "is that we already have the funds for next year church budget." Several "Amen" were uttered by fervent and thankful voices.
"Now the bad news" said the minister "is that the money needed for God’s work is still laying inside our pockets."
This, more than bad news, is an unquestionable truth.
Ellen G. White affirms: "The desire to accumulate wealth is an original affection of our nature, implanted there by our heavenly Father for noble ends" (page 140).
The content of this book will be a great blessing for you. It will revolutionise your way of managing the temple of your body, your treasure, your time and your talents. Please read it with much prayer!

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Counsels on Stewardship

  • NZ$15.00
  • NZ$6.50

  • Ex Tax: NZ$5.65

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