Pig's Out
It is a well known fact that several religious texts forbid the eating of pork. According to Leviticus, the third book of Judaism's Torah and Christianity's Old Testament, pork is an "unclean" meat and is non-kosher, since pigs do not "chew the cud." Meanwhile, the eating of pork is condemned no less than four times in the Qur'an of Islam. While no direct reason is given for this condemnation, many Muslims believe that it is because pigs are disease-ridden animals.
The Religious Texts Are Correct
Though science and religion rarely share a similar perspective, there are many scientifically valid reasons for this religious condemnation of pork. Pigs really are dirty, unclean animals that eat almost anything, including rotten food, urine, faeces, maggot-infested carcasses and even cancerous growths. That is the nature of the scavenger, and being raised on an organic, sustainable farm will not change that nature.
This unpleasant diet wouldn't necessarily be a problem for humans if pigs had a digestive system that effectively removed the toxins from their bodies, but therein lies the problem: They don't. Unlike ruminant animals such as cows, sheep and goats, which can take up to 24 hours to digest their vegetarian food, pigs digest their foul food within a mere four hours. This is not nearly long enough to remove excess toxins, so those toxins are stored within the fat cells and organs of the pig itself. Worse still, pigs do not have sweat glands (which are important agents for detoxification), further compounding their toxic load.
Consequently, pigs are walking vessels of parasites, viruses and other destructive organisms. A few of the many organisms that pork can transmit to humans include:
Taenia Solium — An intestinal parasite that can cause cysticercosis (tissue infection) and loss of appetite.
Menangle Virus — An unpleasant virus that can cause fever, rashes, chills, sweating and headaches for between 10 and 14 days.
Hepatitis E — A viral liver inflammation that can trigger jaundice, fatigue and nausea. Chronic instances can lead to liver fibrosis and cirrhosis.
Trichinella — A parasitic roundworm that can cause fever, malaise, edema and myalgia.
Yersinia Enterocolitica — A volatile bacterium which, according to an investigation by Consumer Reports, was present in 69 percent of all raw pork samples tested. It can cause gastrointestinal distress, fever and, in the most extreme cases, fatal infections.
Moreover, unlike most other meats, there is no safe temperature at which pork can be cooked to guarantee that all these organisms and their eggs will be killed. Even freezing pork doesn't ensure that all organisms, especially certain species of worm, will be killed. As a result, even the most meticulously prepared pork will often contain harmful parasites and viruses.
Still want to eat that organic bacon?
~ NaturalNews, July 19, 2014, Michael Ravensthorpe
Magnesium Deficiency
Vitamins and minerals are essential to good health. They help build tissues and bones, transport and regulate our hormones, allow us to fight off infections and strengthen our immune systems. When we have a vitamin or mineral deficiency, it plays havoc with our bodies and our health. And the mineral magnesium is no exception.
What Does Magnesium Do?
Every organ in your body needs magnesium. It contributes to the formation of your teeth and bones, helps activate essential enzymes, regulates blood calcium levels, aids in the production of energy and regulates other essential nutrients such as zinc, copper, potassium and vitamin D. Our hearts, kidneys and muscles all require magnesium as well.
While there are few food sources that are strikingly high in magnesium content, a large number of foods contain relevant amounts of this important mineral. Pumpkin seeds, spinach, soybeans and sesame seeds are all good sources. But even though magnesium is present in nutritionally important quantities in many foods, the average diets frequently fail to contain an adequate supply of magnesium.
Even when you do get enough magnesium from your diet, many things can deplete your body of this essential mineral. These include a viral illness that causes diarrhea or vomiting, irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, pancreatitis and kidney disease. Stress, menstrual periods and excessive use of coffee, salt, alcohol and soda can also deplete your magnesium stores.
Magnesium Deficiency Symptoms Explained
A magnesium deficiency can present itself with very specific symptoms. If you are experiencing any of these, a lack of magnesium may be the cause.
- Depression
- Restless leg syndrome
- Abnormal heart rhythms
- Muscle spasms
- Migraine headaches
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you may want to consider getting further testing done and could find benefit in taking a quality magnesium supplement. The recommended minimum daily intake, according to National Institutes of Health Fact Sheet, is 400 to 420 mg for healthy men over the age of 18, 360 mg for adult women who are still menstruating, and 320 mg for post-menopausal women, although it varies with developmental stages and factors such as pregnancy and lactating. Because the balance of calcium and magnesium in your body can affect your heart, if you are being treated for heart disease, check with your doctor before taking magnesium supplements.
~ NaturalNews, July 18, 2014 by: Aurora Geib & www.whfoods.com
Recipe of the Month
Buckwheat Waffles or Pancakes
1 c buckwheat flour
1 T oil (olive or grapeseed)
1 c brown rice flour
1 t honey
½ c chickpea flour
2 t (heaped) aluminium-free baking powder
1 t salt
2½-3 c water
Place all ingredients in a bowl, mix well together and add water to make a batter. Mix thoroughly with a spoon or egg beater, let stand for about 30 minutes. At this stage you may need to add a little more water as it will thicken on standing. Pour the mixture into your waffle iron. It will take about 10 minutes to cook. When there is steam coming from the waffle iron it should be cooked. Or pour enough mixture to cover the bottom of a pan and cook till golden brown on both sides.
You can also add 1 t aniseed or coriander or replace water with soy or nut milk.