“Anti-Vitamin Bill” Faces Strong Opposition
Submissions on the Therapeutic Medicines and Products Bill were heard by a government administrative select committee in Auckland on Tuesday [10 April], with over 70% of the 26 submitters opposed to what many people are now calling the "Anti-Vitamin Bill."
The seven submissions supporting the Bill were from pharmaceutical industry based organisations and large Australian-linked companies with a financial interest in having this Bill pass into law...
Many of those submitting arguments against the Bill stated that the New Zealand Government is dedicated to removing New Zealanders' right of access to natural supplements and remedies against a clear majority of the people's wishes.
Another submitter stated "This Bill has Big Pharma [drug companies] written all over it. It will ban many safe, natural products which consumers prefer to high risk drugs, yet fail to address the death toll caused by pharmaceutical companies which is currently three times our road toll."
The new Health Minister Pete Hodgson claimed three deaths were caused by natural health products between 1996 and 2007, but a search of the records revealed in each case that the coroners ruled that the cause of death could not be attributed to the natural health products taken - leaving the number of deaths attributed to natural health products firmly at zero. During this same period, approximately 8,000 New Zealanders have died from adverse effects due to pharmaceutical drugs, with a further 16,000 permanently disabled.
In a move that could harm the health of millions of New Zealanders, the Therapeutic Medicines and Products Bill aims to restrict access to many readily available vitamin, mineral, and herbal formulations including those used in Traditional Maori, Chinese and Indian Medicine.
"Our Health, Our Choice" representatives are asking why the New Zealand Government is defying the will of New Zealanders, and firmly believe the Anti-Vitamin Bill will be damaging to the health and well-being of all kiwis, family run New Zealand businesses and cottage industry.
~Media Statement, 12 April 2007
Oats are high in fats, minerals (silica, calcium, phosphorous, fluorine, iron, magnesium and potassium) as well as B vitamins and vitamin E and H. They also contain a high grade of protein and are one of the highest in Melatonin. They are a good source of carbohydrates and are known to be beneficial for digestion, for strong nails and hair, and the bran is helpful in lowering cholesterol.1
A common breakfast food, oatmeal, has been found to reduce blood pressure. In one study, 850 people were categorized for the amount of oatmeal they consumed. One bowl per day users had lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol. The effect was independent of age, weight and intake of sodium, potassium and alcohol.
The conclusion is that people who are trying to control their blood pressure naturally may get an unexpected benefit from eating a bowl of oatmeal each day. Thus oatmeal offers a double benefit for our hearts. Most of us have known for some time that oatmeal helps to lower blood cholesterol levels because it is rich in water-soluble fibre. The information on blood pressure provides an additional endorsement for this versatile grain. 2
Oat Straw Tea
Oat straw tea is recommended for chest and kidney problems. It acts as an antidepressant and a restorative nerve tonic. It increases perspiration. Give to children as a tea for bed-wetting. Good for insomnia, colic, depression, stress, epilepsy, heart palpitation, occipital headaches, weak muscles from nerve exhaustion, nervous diseases and stomach problems.
Oat Straw tea is used in Europe for various baths which, when taken regularly, is helpful for a number of ailments. Full bath (adding 4 litres of the tea to the bath): good for rheumatic problems, paralysis, lumbago, liver ailments, gout, kidney and gravel problems.
Local wash
Skin diseases, frostbite, flaky skin, wounds, chilblains and eye problems.
Fresh Oats (Not Oat Straw)
An extract made from the fresh oat berries, harvested when the milky substance is in the grain, is good for the brain and functions of the body. It is specifically for weak nerves and can be used as a nerve tonic. It will overcome most diseases caused by nervous disorders and physical exhaustion, including ovarian and uterine disorders.3
1 Grain Power page 9, Proof Positive page 204, The Piko Cookbook page 28
2 Proof Positive page 142
3 Natural Remedies Encyclopedia page 138,139
Recipe of the Month
Baked Oatmeal
2¼ rolled oats
½ t salt
3 T coconut
½ c raisins
½ c dates
½ t coriander
1½ c water
2c grated apples
1 440g tin pineapple, pieces or crushed
¾ t vanilla
½ c fruit juice
Combine dry ingredients and stir together. Add remaining ingredients. Place mixture into sprayed casserole dish. Bake at 180°C for 1 hour.
This recipe can be used for breakfast, a dessert or as a slice.
Variations: Replace pineapple with fruit of your choice (i.e. peaches, apricots).
To make a slice, bake in a flat pan for 45 mins.