Other Events




Vegan Expo Christchurch Oct 15 2023

Christchurch Vegan Expo: We will be exhibiting and demonstrating at this event on
15 October. It is a place to share and connect with many people who have an interest
in health and wellness.



Australian Outreach: Oct/Nov 2023

In late October to early November, Doug and Angela will be in Western Australia. This visit will include two revival Sabbaths. A week long cooking class series and 6-part evening evangelism series. This will be a very intensive week. We will be staying a little longer to be available for backup of interests and visitation.
See details below for more information:

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North Island trip: Doug and Angela will be travelling to the North Island in April for a visitation trip. Be in touch for further details.

Australian Camps: Doug and Angela will be attending and speaking at camps in Australia in June.

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Project Information:

During the year we run other outreach focus events, including exhibiting at shows and expos, speaking / visiting trips in both New Zealand and Australia.


